In the heartwarming sequel to Chosen by a Horse, Susan Richards tells of the continuing gifts brought to her life by her beloved horse, Lay Me Down.
Readers cried with Susan Richards when, at the end of Chosen by a Horse, her beloved mare was laid to rest in the paddock where she had met her herd -- Hot Shot, Tempo, and Georgia. Now they will cheer as Susan recounts the further wonders that came into her life as part of Lay Me Down's legacy: a bestselling book, a tour to support that book, the reconnection to friends and family who come to celebrate her success, and love-- unexpected, complicated, and true.
And so Chosen Forever works its magic as a sequel of self-discovery, as Susan continues to grow into her new life. Told in charming prose with her familiar and disarming sense of humor, and featuring a new supporting cast of animal characters (a Siamese cat, two pugs, tow Labs, and appearances by horses), this is another moving tale for readers facing their own challenges at recreating their lives. Chosen Forever is the story of what happens the day after all of your dreams come true-- how you learn to accept that you deserve to be happy, and how those we love continue to offer us gifts long after they are gone.
Praise for Chosen Forever:
"Charismatic... [Richards'] charming, self-effacing humor keeps the tone light even when she’s examining darker feelings. Engaging writing by an honest self-explorer." --Kirkus
"Richards reflects on how rich life becomes when one travels her own best path.... Richards writes more courageously than she perhaps realizes, and each page of this uplifting book will touch a chord...." -- Booklist
"This is an inspirational story of what family means, and what the loss of one can do to us, and for us." -- Boston Globe