Cherished household items are mysteriously disappearing. And a rotund little boy feels ill. What'¬?s a mother to do? Why, call the doctor, quick, quick, quick! After one look at the boy, the doctor decides to operate and investigate. But no one is quite prepared for what he finds. Acclaimed children'¬?s author and illustrator, Remy Charlip, presents an updated and expanded version of his original, fanciful story.Ä¢ Great source of inspiration for classroom and at-home shadow playÄ¢ Updated edition of a classic, with six newly created backgrounds!
""May this rejuvenated classic entertain children with its wonderfully absurd story and comical punch line for another 35 years."" Booklist ""This visual treatment gives the story-about a beach ball-shaped boy with a stomach ache-a nostalgic look sophisticated enough to lure modern readers."" Publishers Weekly