Nina PlanckThe Real Food CookbookNina PlanckThe Real Food CookbookTraditional Dishes for Modern CooksHARD COVER
UPC: 9781608196753Release Date: 6/10/2014
Biographical note:
Nina Planck is a farmers' daughter, food writer, farmers' market entrepreneur, local foodist, and advocate for traditional foods. She is the author of The Farmers' Market Cookbook, Real Food: What to Eat and Why, and Real Food for Mother and Baby, and the founder of the wildly popular London Farmers' Markets. Nina is a gifted speaker, a home cook, and a mother of three. She lives in New York City with her husband, Rob Kaufelt, proprietor of Murray’s Cheese, and their three children. Main description:
When Nina Planck toured to promote her two earlier books, Real Food and Real Food for Mother and Baby, the question she heard most was, “When are you going to write a cookbook?” At long last, The Real Food Cookbook is here. In a dietary landscape overfull with low-carb bread and dubious advice about triglycerides, Planck is revolutionary in her complete embrace of a more old-fashioned and diverse way of eating. Aptly described by the Washington Post as “a cross between Alice Waters and Martha Stewart,” Planck showcases traditional, real foods—produce, dairy, meat, fish, eggs—through tempting and straightforward recipes for the beginner or regular home cook. The Real Food Cookbook takes 150 classic dishes, from starters, soups, and salads to the center of the plate, to sweets and the cheese course, and makes them anew, transforming them with Nina’s signature approach: using fresh herbs, good butter, seasonal fruits and vegetables, grass-fed and pastured meats, and whole grains. With essays and tips throughout, sharing Nina's own real-food lifestyle, The Real Food Cookbook will provide inspiration for any omnivorous cook or eater. Find recipes for every occasion: a cheese plate with drinks, a family Seder, Easter egg salads, a summer barbeque.Learn how Nina stocks her pantry and where she buys real food.Whether you’re preparing the meals or simply eating them, everyone will enjoy the stories, feast on one hundred gorgeous full-color photographs, and beg the family cook to make the meals Nina loves. Short description/annotation:
The much-anticipated, beautifully illustrated cookbook from the author of Bloomsbury's bestselling backlists title, Real Food.