C. J. CherryhTrackerC. J. CherryhTrackerHARD COVER
UPC: 9780756409098Release Date: 4/7/2015
Series:Biographical note: C. J. Cherryh planned to write since the age of ten. When she was older, she learned to use a type writer while triple-majoring in Classics, Latin and Greek. At 33, she signed over her first three books to DAW and has worked with DAW ever since. She can be found at cherryh.com. Main description: Tracker is the sixteenth installment of CJ Cherryh's acclaimed Foreigner series. Review quote:"A large new Cherryh novel is always welcome...a return to the anthropological science fiction in which she has made such a name is a double pleasure.... Superlatively drawn aliens and characterization." Review quote:"A seriously probing, thoughtful, intelligent piece of work, with more insight in half a dozen pages than most authors manage in half a hundred." Review quote:"C.J. Cherryh’s splendid Foreigner series remains at the top of my must-keep-up reading list after two decades. Number 14, Protector, does not disappoint.... And then there’s grownup political intrigue and gunplay for the icing." Review quote:"Cherryh superbly crafts complex intrigues and alien races possessed of integrity, as well as a sense of otherness." Review quote:"My favorite science fiction series is C. J. Cherryh's Foreigner universe. Cherryh deftly balances alien psychology and human vanities in a character caught between being human and part of an alien race." Review quote:"One of the best long-running SF series in existence.... Cherryh remains one of the most talented writers in the field."